December 31, 2015
2015 (August) was my 8th year in business and WOW…what an amazing year!!! I saw an awesome caption that stated…”2014 was Practice, 2015 was the Warm-up, and 2016 is GAME Time!” OMG!!! I’m scared and excited all at the same time!!! Honestly, each year I learn so many new lessons in life and in business. I never take it for granted because both bring teachable moments that I know makes me better. To my family, friends, colleagues, my amazing TEAM (Yolanda, Dominique, Keesha, and Larissa), venues, vendors past and current Clients…THANK YOU for every opportunity and every teachable moment you brought into my life in 2015. Many Blessings and an Abundance of God’s FAVOR upon you!
A Snapshot at 2015!
12 Weddings, 2 Birthday Parties, 7 Community Events, and 2 Styleshoots = A Grateful, Thankful, and Blessed Woman who never takes anything for granted! God is truly able and I know every round gets harder, better, and greater!
Blessings from Nishaka!
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